
Great Circle Distance Calculator (GCDC)

Calculates the distance between airports in both statue and nautical miles. The calculation is based on known airport latitude + longitude and using the great circle formula. You can choose ICAO (e.g. KFJK) or IATA (e.g. JFK)

Find an Airport Code


  1. KATL KJFK (Atlanta to JFK)
  2. KATL KSFO, KATL KSJC (Compare miles -> Atlanta to San Francisco and Atlanta to San Jose)
  3. KATL KSFO XX KSJC KATL (Atlanta to San Francisco - returning San Jose to Atlanta)
  4. RT KJFK EDDF JFK International Airport to Frankfurt International Airport
  5. RT JFK FRA JFK International Airport to Frankfurt International Airport
  6. ATL SFO XX SJC ATL (Atlanta to San Francisco - returning San Jose to Atlanta)