
United Mileage Plus Calculator
The calculator can tabulate your United Airlines Miles using the Great Circle formula and airport IATA codes.
Find an Airport Code

Paying with United Mileage Plus Credit Card

Status Codes: GS (Global Services, 1K (1K), PP (Platnium, PG (Gold), PS (Silver), <blank> = General Member

  1. ORD JFK (O'Hare to JFK)
  2. PP RT ORD HNL (A Premier Platinum on a round trip ticket from O'Hare to Honolulu
  3. RT ATL ORD SFO HNL(Round trip Atlanta, O'Hare, San Francisco, and Honolulu.)
  4. ORD SFO XX SJC ORD (O'Hare to San Francisco - returning San Jose to O'Hare
  5. PG ORD SFO HNL SYD ORD (A Premier Gold - O'Hare, San Francisco, Honolulu, Sydney, and O'Hare
  6. PS SFO Y DEN K LHR (A Premier Silver traveling from San Franciso to Denver on a "Y" fare and Denver to Heathrow on a "K" fare
  7. 1K RT ATL B SEA (A 1K traveling round-trip Atlanta to Seattle on a "B" Fare